Why Knowsley is a popular place to call home

The area of Knowsley in Merseyside is highly popular and widely seen as a great place to live in. The population has increased by more than 9,000 people during the last few years.

There is a broad range of homes to buy or rent in the large village. Over 5,700 new homes have been built over the last ten years. There are also several new housing developments on the way, which will add over 1500 new homes to Knowsley. However, house prices have risen by 22% since 2020 compared to the national average of 11%, but are still comparable to the cost of housing in the surrounding areas.

Knowsley is known for its friendly residents, who welcome new people into their neighbourhoods. Local facilities are excellent, with outstanding schools, independent local shops and popular restaurants and bars. Knowsley town centre is seeing changes, with developers investing around £21 million in major development projects

Knowsley lies between Liverpool in the west and Manchester in the east; both are easy to reach by car or public transport. The area has also been credited as a good place to start a business. Every year, the Knowsley Business Awards recognises the leading companies in the region.

If you are making a move to Knowsley, you will need a reliable Knowsley removal company. Talk to us at Merseyside Movers & Storers today about how we can take care of moving your belongings to your new Knowsley home. Furthermore, if you are relocating your business to Knowsley, we’ll be happy to transport all your equipment and office furniture to your new business premises.