Removal Boxes in Knowsley

Removal boxes Knowsley delivered free to your door

Merseyside Movers box shop

Merseyside Movers & Storers Ltd  Tel 0151 546 3819  email:


Are you looking for double walled, sturdy removal boxes in Knowsley for your house move, if so, call us on 0151 546 3819.

As we are a removal company, we carry boxes of all shapes and sizes, bubble, wrap, mattress protectors, etc.  Everything you need to wrap and protect your fragile belongings  during your house move.

With free delivery within the Liverpool and St Helens and knowsley area (subject to a minimum order)  what are you waiting for. Call Merseyside Movers on 0151 546 3819

We can provide you with a full removal pack for your size property with everything included, from our expertise we know how many removal boxes you should need and can deliver it all, including wardrobe cartons, book boxes, large boxes, bubble wrap, protective paper to wrap your fragile and mattress covers.

Four bed pack without wardrobe cartons delivered.  Everything you need , 35 Large removal boxes – 15 book boxes – 100 metre bubble wrap  2 x packs paper – 5 rolls tape – 2 large mattress covers – 2 single

Three bed pack without wardrobe cartons, 25 large removal boxes – 10 small boxes – 100 metre bubble wrap – 2 packs paper – 4 rolls tape – 1 large mattress cover – 2 single

2 bed pack without wardrobe cartons  20 large removal boxes – 10 book boxes – 1 x paper – 1 roll bubble wrap – 3 rolls tape 1 large mattress cover – 1 single

1 bed apartment without wardrobes 10 large removal boxes – 5 book boxes – 1 x paper – 3 rolls tape.

Please call us on 0151 546 3819 to order your removal pack, delivered to your front door.


Removal boxes Knowsley  delivered to your door : Call Merseyside Movers & Storers on 0151 546 3819